Saturday, October 28, 2006

Holiday has come to an end. School starts on Monday.. sigh.
Haven't started marker rendering assignment and figure sketching yet..
i'm so so very dead.

i got a terrible headache today..
my head is like throbbing non-stop through out the day.
(T.T) i ve no idea wads wrong.
real simple artworks.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Experiment number2!!! tada!! wow.. now i really like d combination of black n gray...

World map series number2.

LOVE messing wif symbols n dots. =D
(being colour abusive lately..)
experiment wif only gray n black.... turns out Ok. phew......

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

vector art
Addition to the family (^.^)

ok, for some reason i find that spanish is sexy. (^.^)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

some random vector art i did last week
Hmph... or maybe a chicken??

This is my final Soy milk packaging design for typography assignment. My previous ideas were being rejected n rejected by d lecturer. Aiiihh....
I don't know whether d lecturer 'll like this one o not..

Umba umba umbala ula ula ula *(start praying like an evangelist)

My previous idea is totally different from this one. It has a nice slim figure of a lady for the masthead. Btw, the lecturer said that it looks more like a condom brand. (T.T)
Fine... maybe i can work for Durex.

This is my next typo assignment, magazine layout design.

The front cover for ''COLOR'' a photography magazine. Creating the masthead is pretty simple but selecting the image and bodycopy is pain in d ass.

Being a little lonely lately. I'm thinking of buying a goldfish n put inside my room. But if i can smuggle any animal inside, a baby monkey is on the top list. *grin :-)
A blue baby monkey named Joe. done in photoshop.