anyway.. i was bored and sick of my homeworks that I'll start to chew the papers...
Its kinda fun if we can apply the command on our computer to the real life. Life would be much easier then...

This is for my sis who watches Big Brother... my attempt , drawing Preston. (distorted though)
and no.. i did not watch the show... i wish i could.
Btw, i watch this movie called ''Thumbsucker''

besides from the excellence performance from the actors, (Lou Pucci, Tilda Swinton and Keanu Reeves) this movie has a very interesting storyline. It deals with self development and beliefs.
It sucks when we have to change ourselves when there is nothing wrong with us. I love the tag line of this movie, ''He's not o.k. They are not o.k. and that's OK.''
Hell yeah! couldn't agree more!