This time i promise my review would be deeper, smarter and have more than one sentence. Ok, this week i present you Nim's Island.

For me, this movie is like a mixture of Home Alone, Cast Away, Robinson Crusoe meets Mac Gyver and the reality show, Survivor, Nim's Island. Overall not bad, but not good either. A tad boring and anti climatic. It feels like its not finished. The first 3/4 of the movie it build up the audience's anticipation and curiosity. Then the rest 1/4 until the end are blaaargh.... Some things are left unexplained. The movie left the audience wanting more but then dumped disappointed when the credits rolled over. The screen time between Abigail and Jodie Foster are really little. Its a disappointment because i want to see more action going on between these two characters. I get that the message of the movie is to become your own real life hero. In contrary, the Jodie Foster character didn't do anything heroic and great enough to support the message. On top of that, Abigail's dialogue is like too scripted already.

During the whole movie i was distracted with things like, "Abigail, wear your shoe when in the forest", "Stop touching those worms", "Gerard Butler in wet shirt", "Apple Mac Book!" and etc. The only forte of this movie is the excellent cinematography and the clever use of animation in certain scenes. I really like the story book animation and the opening scene. In conclusion, its a great execution but poor screenplay. Then again, i'm not the right target audience. Its for younger generation. But then again, i'd pay just to watch Gerard Butler and Jodie Foster. Its very rare to see Jodie Foster acted so goofy and hilarious. Anyway, there are some sweet and funny parts in this film too which i found endearing.
Next Review: Darjeeling Limited (2007)