Rec (2007) Spanish, nicer poster!

Quarantine (2008) Hollywood, ugly poster!
Why remake such a good movie?!!! and within a year?!!
Rec is filmed with similar style ala "Blair With Project", where the audience got the first person view of the event. It is like watching a vacation video except this time its horror. Anyhoo, Rec is not your typical zombie-disease-infection movie. It is more like the interaction and reaction you get when you are trapped inside a house with a zombie/monster like creature. Unlike other zombie/living dead movies, the hero and heroine in this movie do not act like a damn superhero with unlimited bullets and guns or power to jump fences and all, uninjured. The characters in this movie behaved naturally. They screamed a bloody lot and panicked. They do not kick ass at all. Unlike some movies, the hero or heroine appeared too controlled. The best part about this movie is that the first person view with the cam recorder do not make me get motion sickness... unlike "Cloverfield". (I puked at the end of the movie)
lets boycott this year movie's "Quarantine"!