Its been crazy buzy downright scary week. Everything is spiraling out of control and i still manage to sit here and type this calmly.
1) According to mum, baby hamsters are doing well! yatta!
2) I watched "Dead Silence" already! COOL!! the twist, the plot n d cast r awesome!
expected from The Saw trilogy director James Wan. (he is still very very young)
have to coax Jen to watch the movie or end up watching Surf Up. Thanks buddy!
3) Rina went back to Indo liao. Theres a lot of things that we promised to do when term break comes. I guess all the plans 'll ve to go down the drain.
Anyhoo, last Monday, while my group mates n i were having discussion in McDonald, we sat beside the playpen. Then, suddenly appear this super very exaggeratedly astonishingly The CUTEST kid i had ever seen!!!! The critter is damn adorable!!!!
she is like barely three years old. --->You know I'm a sucker for anything cute especially a breathing one, so i helped her up to Ronald McDonald's lap.
Note to parents all over the world, it is VERY dangerous to leave your children alone even in mc donalds playpen while you are ordering food. What happened if i'm a bad guy eh~~. So much for don't talk to strangers. The kid is actually getting cozy and comfortable with us. She is not aware of what i had in mind. I swear the kid is SUPER CUTE and innocent. arf arf... now i had made myself sounds like child molester, or worst a pedophile. then the dad came and, ALAS!!!! he is HANDSOME!!! oui~~~~~~
The reason why the world is overpopulated. Who can resist such cuteness????
Beng Chong gave me these postcards. THANKS A LOT!!!! i really like them. really really like. Reminds me of the movie, the one with Chow Yun Fat wan, "SHANG HAI TAN" 上海滩. I like the vintage, classy n oldies style, those 1930s wan. When they had to hand-paint i mean hand drawn the advertisement themselves. salute!
Ahem, you know that i LOVE to watch short movies. So much to tell in a short period of time n less drama n time saving. So now every month ill post a short movie form youtube or dailymotion. Trust me, watch it. Worth every minute.
The title is called "Inside Out" (1999) It is a silent movie, no dialogs but the music is very nice. Its a story about chances you'll make a connection with strangers. Its a funny heart warming movie. Starring Lena Heady. This is before she made it big in Hollywood, before The Cave , The Brothers Grimm and 300. Oui~~~ her smiles are blinding.
enjoy, its only 7 minutes.
Lastly, I ve been thinking a lot... maybe i missed my true calling, maybe i'm supposed to be in digital animation, illustration or multimedia and not advertising. Its like going to church wont' turn you into Christian and doing advertising and graphic design wont turn me into a designer. Maybe i ve no talents???? i swear its not for lack of trying. I'm very serious in what i'm doing. Three years are going to end very soon. And i still yearn for more. Its scary to think about the future. =.=''
Thats it for now, ta ta.
Fact : can still always go to any field after your diploma (digital animation la, illustration, multimedia etc).It's only a diploma in advertising (and make sure ur degree is something else)!
ui ui ui adekkk kirim ke gua
do, the hamster definetely definetely very very cute.
ho ho ho. i seen them, live concert.... ho ho ho how lucky ho ho ho
mama kamu biasa bawa ke sejahtera ban ya ? kemaren gw lagi tambal ban, rupanya di mama kamu di dalam lagi lia liat hamster heheh cuteeeeeeee kawaiiii
Dun give up Dora! I know Joseph is harsh...wait torturous more like it but u've really got some talent compared with those i know of.
But ur friend is right, with a graphic design diploma/degree, u can enter any art field =)
Shea Leen =P
p/s: was rotf at ur drawing on sat one.. dun worry u're not the only one who tot of something like that. Joseph MERELY helped me out cuz i just wanted to move along and just pass his darn sub. Hell have mercy on us next term, cuz he's teaching AGAIN
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