Friday, May 09, 2008

Wu Xia Phien and I

Theres a cinema in front of our house in Indo. I still remember almost every weekend, our dad 'll bring us there to watch movies. He'd buy us some snacks and mentos bar. We just ve to cross the road to go there. The cinema is still operating until today.

I watched quite a lot of Chinese classic movies those days, the "Wuxia phien" or the costume dramas/action/martial art movies. e.i. The condor heroes, Once Upon a Time in China, Swordsman, Bride With White Hair, Judge Bao, A Chinese Ghost Story, Butterfly lovers, Taichi master and etc. I only remember this few. The tvs also showed quite a lot, of course dubbed with bahasa indo, e.i. "Pendekar Ulat Bulu" (the caterpillar warrior) and "Pendekar Harum" (fragranced warrior)...... sounds odd..
but nvm... i remembered watching those series every afternoon after tuition class. I was rewatching some of those old classic wuxia from Crunchyroll. I totally enjoyed them!!!! its awesome! no CG effects and still do wonders! compared to the wuxia movies from this era, i.e. "The Promise"... i thought that movie is super horrible... too much dose of CG, horrible costumes and crappy story line.

Ah.. not to forget, we have the horror genre too. The chinese vampire! hahaha! love those guys!

quick coloring in photoshop

Anyhoo, "Xiau au jiang fu" or "Swordsman" series is my most favourite wuxia movie of all time. its like the Chinese version of Lord of The Ring. The movie's particular theme song is just classic and timeless. You guys should be familiar with this song.
Plus plus, this move has the greatest villain of the kung fu world, the "Dong Fang Bu Bai!!!"

p/s after days and nights of searching the world wide web like a maniac i managed to get the audio file. If you want it just leave a comment. I'm more than happy to share.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww good old times :D !

Yeaaa, I remember always looking forward to the weekends for the cinema session, mostly for the snack parts (since snack was kinda banned at home)!

ehh you forget the great kung fu master series! 1, 2, 3, until 4 right?

Anonymous said...

yihiiii.. dulu kita pernah ntn dokok dan kadir. inget nga. haha sama kak inem yg bawa .. hehe...

Anonymous said...

lol!duhh jadi miss kak inem...

ku udah lupa ama dokok dan kadir, put

dek, btw, love the new banner! very very nice. tapi avatar mo nggak ngam la.