Saturday, March 31, 2007

rants... (this post contains 100% pure ramblings)

This week is sure hectic… and i blew my monthly allowance.Printing is expensive =.=" Anyway, thank God its already weekend. A few days ago I ate a half cooked boiled-corn . While i was boiling the thing, suddenly it ran out of gas. But, the corn looked as if its ready to eat. As dumb as i was i took a big bite... it tasted argh argh argh..arlf arlf... do not judge a vegetable by its color. bless me, i'm still alive.

Another lazy afternoon spent in front of the computer but barely doing assignments.
My house mate is going to move out. I made it harder for her by bawling around the house screaming " i don't want new house mates!!!" color me selfish. We have known each other since high school. And YOU! (who is in Damansara is included!!!) why do you guys leave me alone here!!!??

Things that i watch:
The Perfume: Whee... through out the whole movie, my mind was filled with ("OMG she's naked!! naked naked and more naked people") OK... do not mind my perverted review... overall this movie is good. It gives new premises about perfume and how you can easily "purchase someone". made you stare at your perfume bottle for a long time and hesitated before using

Hannibal, Rising: Gaspard Ulliel is hot!! hot hot!!! his smile is so wicked. *swoon… Think twice about the meat you eat…

American Idol: Aww.. aww... Sanjaya... i have mixed feelings for you. dunno whether i should like or dislike your hairstyle O.o" i like your singing though...

And if Sanjaya wins, i'll reconsider about watching the next season… (Jordin's fan here! =D )


Anonymous said...

haha..whats with the uncooked corn ? :P

Pipin said...

do itu uncooked corn. remind me of the chicken....~~

Dora said...

nah… i didn't finish the whole thing lar... after 3 bite i had enough of argh argh argh arfl arfl arfl...

Pipin said...

i wish to hear after the arhg arhg argh.... the mouse at your house have their turn to try the corn.. hehe

Lissa said...

And you complained when I talked about Perfume! Typical horny perverted Dora.

Dora said...

Mel, you are the one perverted!!!
you didn't mention that the movie contains uncountable ammount of naked bodies!