These are taken from the "favourite-balcony" around 7am
by standing there for a few minutes is enough to make me feel peaceful body n soul...
despite the sight of a middle-age uncle who lives 5 floors below clad only in boxer talking on the phone… *shudder…
sukoiiiii.. do beneran bagus lah itu cahaya mataharinya dr ke hari tambah cantik aja. cuman manusia manusia di bumi aja yg kian hari kian menjadi.. haha
betul kata loe.. its truly beauuutihfoooll!!!! ^o^ i stand there for around 15 minutes just watchin the sun rise. you should try aso. Matahari benar benar terbit dari timur.
see..thanks to my call....
too bad gua bangun jam 2 pm, sun udah di barat dikit..
jie, its not a compliment... its a sarcasm for waking me up on my day off =.="
do.... klo aku mo liat mata hari.. keknya harus panjat ke loteng ama baru bisa nampak jelas deh...
ho ho ho.... you makes me want to go for sunrise climbing..... haha
disclaimer: klo Oput jatuh dari atap, not my fault ar.. =P
but really, sunrise is indeed beautiful. =D
do can helpo me buy Song CD > sing by Chau Ke(Gary) ? can can can ? please please pleaase hehe
u mean Thomas Chauke???
kiddin... ok, i'll go browse the cd store. =D
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